Rear End Accident Lawsuit Loans Offer Immediate Help to Plaintiffs – Prior to Settlement
Rear end car accident lawsuit loans are simply one way lawsuit funding seeks to level the playing field between auto accident lawsuit plaintiffs and financially strong insurance companies which defend negligent parties. Fair Rate Funding specializes in rear end car accident loans.
Car Accident Loans – a Question of Liability
Auto accident loans are highly dependent upon the likelihood of a successful outcome. And because car accident lawsuit plaintiffs must prove the defendant driver was negligent, the plaintiff must prove:
- breached the duty of care owed to other drivers
- plaintiff was injured or otherwise damaged
- the damages were a result of that breach
Negligence lawsuits such as auto accident cases are based upon these three components. If plaintiff can show all three, then defendant is liable for damages under the law.
Rear End Collisions Usually Prove Liability
Personal injury lawyers and plaintiffs alike are fond of rear end collisions because in the vast majority of cases, liability is clear. Most state laws require those operating motor vehicles to keep a safe distance between their vehicle and the vehicle traveling immediately in front of them. The idea is that there should be enough distance so that a driver has enough time to stop if a hazard should arise ahead.

If an accident occurs, it must be someone’s fault. Attributing fault to one or more drivers is the way auto accident lawsuits are decided. Although in some accidents, more than one driver is at fault, rear end collisions are usually the fault of the following vehicle.
Of course, there are exceptions. Such as when a car backs into another or in the event of fraud. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of rear end auto collisions are the fault of the following vehicle.
Rear End Accident Loans – Overcoming the Hurdles
Overcoming liability when assessing an application for a rear end car accident loan is relatively straightforward. That is not the end of the story however.
Lawsuit funding underwriting is more of an art than a science. But it is based upon concrete concepts. These, in the context of lawsuit loan underwriting for rear end accident lawsuits, include not only liability but also the extent of the damages and the defendant’s ability to pay.
Examining liability is only one piece of the puzzle. Assessing damages through medical records, lost wage information, lost earning capacity, etc., is another. Analyzing a defendant’s ability to pay is one more. Insurance policies are frequently a deciding factor on whether to approve a rear end car accident case for a lawsuit loan.
What Exactly is a Rear End Accident Loan?
A lawsuit loan is a special type of financial transaction. They are different from traditional loans because they are only repaid if the case is successful. Because of this, rear end accident loans are deemed “non-recourse” funding. Non recourse means that the ONLY source of repayment must be the proceeds of the rear end accident lawsuit.
Some of the other features of a rear end accident loan are:
- NO credit check – credit is irrelevant to legal funding
- NO income verification needed – again, the sole source of repayment is the settlement
- NO monthly payments – repayment not required until settlement
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
What is the Purpose of a Rear End Accident Loan?
The purpose of lawsuit loans is to level the playing field between injured plaintiffs and financially strong insurance companies. Often rear end auto accidents are severe and victims may not be able to work because of their injuries. During recovery, expenses keep piling up and some plaintiffs find themselves in trouble financially. Some may even accept “low-ball” settlement offers simply to keep their heads above water.
Lawsuit loans allow plaintiffs to wait out the legal process as their attorneys pursue a fair settlement.
Am I Eligible for a Lawsuit Loan?
Qualifying for a personal injury settlement loan or any other form of legal funding with Fair Rate Funding is simple. Below are the first criteria you must meet:
- You must be 18 years old or over.
- You must have a valid claim/lawsuit.
- You must have a lawyer.
If you meet these criteria, you are eligible to apply for a lawsuit loan. It’s really that easy.
Lawsuit Loan Approvals
Getting your lawsuit loan approved comes down to evaluating your case by our professional lawsuit funding underwriters. These are the professionals which will evaluate the liability, damages and coverage issues with your particular claim.
To apply with us, simply fill out this online form, or call us at 888-964-2224. One of our representatives will walk you through the process in a quick and easy manner. When you call, you won’t get a phone system or answering service. You get a live person on the phone – one who specializes in helping you get the money you need when you need it.
Call us now and see what lawsuit funding is all about. The call is free and you are under no obligation whatsoever. When you can’t wait – Call Fair Rate.