Fair Rate Funding Provides Lawsuit Loans to Oregon Residents

Oregon lawsuits loans are financial transactions which seek to bridge the gap between filing and settlement. OR lawsuit loans offer immediate cash to plaintiffs to meet their everyday needs. Lawsuit funding allows plaintiffs to refuse low-ball settlement offers and hold out for just compensation.
Oregon plaintiffs file lawsuits for a variety of reasons. Car accidents, slip and fall injuries, civil rights, wrongful termination, workplace accidents, malpractice cases and more can be the basis of these lawsuits. The one common theme throughout these types of cases is they must all navigate through the judicial process. That is, they all must go through the court system. And going through the legal system takes time – often years.
Utilizing Lawsuit Loans to Level the Playing Field

Plaintiffs involved in civil litigation quickly learn how the scales of justice are tilted. Injured plaintiffs in particular face a considerable foe in financially strong insurance companies who actually prepare and defend against the claim in court.
Insurance company lawyers utilize their skill in representing their clients. This skill helps their clients postpone an eventual payout. These tactics and the presence of an already crowded docket in largely populated areas such as Portland or Salem, only add more waiting time.
Meanwhile, bills keep coming and many plaintiffs find themselves in a bind financially. Some are forced to accept less than adequate compensation simply because they cannot wait out the process. Fair Rate Funding can help.
An Oregon lawsuit cash advance (lawsuit loan) gives you money right now – when you need it. In return, you promise to repay if you win your case. Fair Rate Funding provides Oregon lawsuit loans to Oregon plaintiffs. We advance Oregon plaintiffs anywhere from $500 to $1 million in anticipation of a favorable recovery.
We serve all the major cities in Oregon and the small ones too! If you need cash from your lawsuit now, Fair Rate Funding has your back.
What are OR Lawsuit Loans Used For?
Oregon lawsuit loans can be used for anything but are regularly used for:
- medical treatment
- housing expenses
- car payments
- utilities
- school tuition
- outstanding debt
- investments
- catch up on bills, etc.
In fact, there are absolutely no restrictions on the use of Oregon lawsuit loans. After all, it’s your money!
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
How to Qualify for a Lawsuit Cash Advance in Oregon?
If you have a lawsuit in Oregon and have a lawyer representing you on a contingency fee basis, which means the attorney is only paid if you win the lawsuit, you may eligible for lawsuit settlement funding from Fair Rate Funding. If you need cash now while waiting for your Oregon lawsuit case to settle, we provide OR settlement funding to help you while your case is litigated.
How to Get Started
We know you have a choice of lawsuit settlement funding companies and are happy to assist you. We currently service plaintiffs throughout the entire state of Oregon. This includes the following metropolitan areas:
- Portland
- Salem
- Eugene
- Gresham
- Hillsboro
- Bend
- Beaverton
- Medford
- Springfield
- Corvallis
To obtain a lawsuit loan in the quickest and easiest manner, please fill out the quick application or call 888-964-2224. You can then relax and allow Fair Rate Funding to work for you. We routinely provide lawsuit cash advances within 24 hours of receiving the paperwork from your attorney.
We provide settlement funding services for Oregon lawsuits and cases in the following areas: Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming and the District of Columbia.
Thank you for choosing Fair Rate Funding.