Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Loans Help Plaintiffs
Motorcycle accident lawsuit loans help injured accident victims with immediate cash prior to settlement.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, yearly motorcycle traffic accident fatalities exceed 5,000 per year. It is estimated that an additional 80,000 motorcyclists are injured in the United States every year. It should come as no surprise that riding a motorcycle can be a very dangerous endeavor.
Injured parties can pursue damages in the civil court system based in negligence. Damages might include medical treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Unfortunately, the civil court system offers delayed justice as it is ill equipped to handle the plethora of civil lawsuits on the docket.
The Need for Justice
Motorcycle accidents can be severe and permanent. Fortunately, those injured in vehicle accidents of all kinds are protected by society when they are injured through no fault of their own. These parties can pursue a claim in negligence in state and federal courts. Allowing complaints to be filed against the at fault parties is the first step toward recovery.
Motorcycle Accidents Take Time
Although some lawsuits are resolved quickly, many take many months or years to negotiate adequate compensation for motorcycle accidents. Some factors are more important than others in determining how long a lawsuit will last.

First, injured motorcycle accident victims normally wait until after medical treatment is completed before initiating legal proceedings. In many instances, it can take up to six to nine months before motorcycle accident victims complete treatment.
While medical treatment is administered, personal injury attorneys collect evidence such as police reports, photographs, witness statements, and other direct evidence to strengthen the case. This also takes time.
Finally, some jurisdictions simply have more crowded civil dockets than others. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident and are a claimant in a motorcycle accident lawsuit in an urban area, more time will likely pass before your case gets to a judge and jury.
While the court system allows for monetary compensation, the wheels of justice turn slowly. Injured plaintiffs, many of which are unable to work due to physical impairment, find themselves in financial difficulties while they wait for their claim to matriculate through the court system.
Meanwhile, bills and other expenses can accumulate. This forces many plaintiffs to accept “low-ball” settlement offers simply to ease the immediate financial strain. In this situation, a motorcycle accident lawsuit loan can be a solution.
What is a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Loan?
Motorcycle accident lawsuit loans are financial transactions where a lawsuit funding company advances money to an injured plaintiff prior to settlement. In return, the plaintiff pledges a portion of the future settlement proceeds. The repayment amount ultimately due the funding company depends on how long it takes for the case to successfully resolve.
What is the Process?
The motorcycle accident lawsuit loan application process is simple.
- Clients apply via telephone or online.
- Next, a lawsuit funding professional contacts the applicant to discuss funding options.
- Client questions are fielded at this time.
- Clients provide name and contact information of the attorney.
- Funding company requests the appropriate documents from the attorney’s office.
Once the application is processed and paperwork received, the file is sent to underwriting. There, lawsuit funding underwriters review the documents and contact the attorney via phone or e-mail to discuss the case. Afterwards, a decision is made whether to approve or deny the application.
Once approved, the motorcycle accident lawsuit loan contract is drafted and forwarded to the client’s attorney. The client executes the document and returns to the funding company. Likewise, the attorney signs the attorney acknowledgement indicating the advance will be repaid if and when a settlement is reached. Once the executed contract is received, the motorcycle accident lawsuit loan proceeds are sent to the client via overnight courier or electronic bank transfer.
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
What Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Loan Cost?
Motorcycle accident lawsuit loan rates normally depend on factors related to your specific case. These might include your attorney’s ability to prove negligence or liability, the nature and extent of your damages, and how far along your case has already progressed.
Motorcycle accident lawsuit loan rates are not based on personal finances, consumer debt or credit scores. This is true because technically lawsuit loans are a sale of a portion of the future proceeds of your case. You are simply receiving an advance on an anticipated settlement. And repayment depends on whether you actually win your case.
These are not “loans” in the traditional sense of the word which implies repayment at some point in the future and under all circumstances. For more on the differences between loans and lawsuit loans, visit Loans vs. Lawsuit Loans – What’s the Difference?
What Can I Use the Funds For?
Many motorcycle accident victims seek legal funding because they are struggling financially. When you get pre-settlement funding for your motorcycle accident case, you can use the funds at your discretion. Many of our clients use lawsuit funding for:
- Property damage
- Medical treatment
- Rental cars
- Household expenses
- Tuition
- Pay down debts
- Rent
- Mortgage payments
- And a host of other obligations.
In fact, there is absolutely no restrictions on the use of your motorcycle accident lawsuit loans. You can use your lawsuit loan however you see fit. After all, it’s your money.
Choose Fair Rate Funding for Your Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Loan
Fair Rate Funding offers the lowest rates in settlement funding on motorcycle accident cases. We have been in the business of helping plaintiffs since 2007. We are on your side and specialize in providing fast, low-cost lawsuit loans for motorcycle accident lawsuit plaintiffs. We know you have a choice of lawsuit settlement funding companies and want to help.
We provide motorcycle settlement funding for lawsuits in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming and the District of Columbia.
Thank you for choosing Fair Rate Funding for motorcycle accident lawsuit loans.