Easy Lawsuit Loans Help Plaintiffs with Immediate Cash
Easy lawsuit loans are common in the lawsuit funding industry. Yet a few factors must line up in place. Below, we discuss the top 5 factors for obtaining easy lawsuit loans in the most efficient manner. The idea is to get you the money as quickly as possible, so you can get back to what you need to do.
Number 5 – Understand the Process

Just a little research can go a long way in getting easy lawsuit loans. Many articles (like this one) can help. The lawsuit loan process consists of:
- Contacting a reputable lawsuit funding company.
- Getting your case pre-qualified for funding.
- Gathering of documentation.
- Underwriting the file.
- Executing contracts and instructions.
- Funding the case.
While most legal loan work is done by the lawsuit funder, applicants make lawsuit loans easy by familiarizing themselves with the process. It’s surprisingly simple and essential to easy lawsuit loan transactions.
Number 4 – Understand Your Case
Easy lawsuit loans often result from an applicant’s understanding of their own case. Lawsuit loan approvals are a function of understanding what types of cases lawsuit funding companies seek as investments. Generally, lawsuit lenders are looking for the following:
- Lawsuits with strong liability
- Cases where a lawyers is retained on a contingency fee basis
- Lawsuits with significant damages
Lawsuit loans are only repaid if the case is successful. Accordingly, funders look for cases with a strong likelihood of success. A contingency fee based attorney is essential since funders do not generally make lawsuit advances without the attorney investing their time and money in the pursuit of justice.
Understanding that certain lawsuit types are better candidates for funding than others will get you ahead of the game when trying to secure a successful legal funding application. Understanding the specifics of your case aids in obtaining lawsuit loan approvals.
Number 3 – Communication Makes Easy Lawsuit Loans
Many lawsuit funding companies are large operations which attempt to streamline the application process. Often, they accomplish this by automating certain aspects of the business. For example, many larger funders use automated phone systems to direct calls from clients and attorneys. Although this set up might help a company’s bottom line, it might not be the best strategy to process easy lawsuit loans.
When you shop for lawsuit loans, it might be beneficial to see how the company handles communication, since having access to live representatives can streamline the funding transaction to completion. Consider having the ability to speak to case reps who understand exactly what is needed to ensure you get the funding you need. Contrast this with having to speak to multiple representatives, each assigned a particular task on the funding “assembly line” and only doing so after hitting multiple “dial 1 for new clients, dial 2 for existing clients” telephone prompts every time you make a call. Do yourself a favor, make getting a lawsuit loan as easy as possible. It might be old-school, but speaking with a live body usually results in a better outcome.
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
Number 2 – Make Sure Your Attorney is On Board
Easy lawsuit loans and attorney cooperation go hand in hand. It is highly unlikely you will find a lawsuit funding company that will advance money on a pending lawsuit without attorney involvement. Not only do lawyers have to sign off on the transaction, they are often responsible for providing the documents needed to properly underwrite the case. Funders rely heavily on lawyers and their feelings about a particular case. To make lawsuit funding easy, make sure your attorney is aware of your need for funds and your desire to utilize your lawsuit as a source of financial relief.
Number 1 – Help the Easy Lawsuit Loan Process
Getting a lawsuit loan does not have to be difficult, you can help yourself get lawsuit funding by effectively communicating with funding companies and attorneys, understanding what lawsuit funding is and what types of cases are good investments for lawsuit lenders. Understanding the legal funding process and the facts of your own case helps legal funders help you with the support you need.
It might be tempting to sit back, relax and let the legal lender do all the work. That is certainly one option and the best lawsuit funding companies will likely be able to offer some support. Yet the majority of successful legal funding applications occur when plaintiffs are active in the process. In this way, you are proactive in securing the financial resources you need, when you need them,
Getting Started
To learn more about the lawsuit funding business, you have multiple options. First, you can visit our blog and expand your knowledge base. There are multiple articles covering a wide array of lawsuit loan topics. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions page.
Second, you can simply give us a call or contact us online. A live representative will answer/contact you and answer any questions you might have.
Why Choose Fair Rate Funding
You obviously have a choice in who you use for legal funding. We’ve been in the legal funding business since 2007 and offer:
- Simple and Easy Process – Approval only on strength of your case.
- Risk – Free Proposition – Only repay if you win your case.
- Rapid Approval and Funding – Approvals often within 24 hrs.
- Up Front Pricing – Absolutely no hidden fees.
Give us a call and learn about your options. We are here to help and are at your service.