Discrimination Lawsuit Loans Help Plaintiffs
Fair Rate Funding is a leader in discrimination lawsuit loans. Most lawsuit funding companies typically only fund personal injury cases. Fair Rate Funding specializes in discrimination lawsuit loans for plaintiffs who need immediate cash prior to settlement.
Discrimination Laws Protect the Public
Various laws against discrimination exist in society. Discrimination is defined as the unfair treatment of an individual based upon a person’s:

- age
- disability
- gender
- national origin
- race
- religion
- sexual orientation
- genetic makeup
- and other personal characteristics.
Federal and state anti-discrimination laws cover which classes of people are protected against discrimination.
Types of Discrimination Lawsuits
In many cases, especially when discrimination occurs in the workplace, those who are discriminated against can file a lawsuit in state and federal courts to seek justice. Remedies for discrimination cases might include monetary damages, injunctive relief, and specific performance.
Four Common Discrimination Lawsuits
Employment Discrimination is one of the more common discrimination lawsuit types. Discrimination against an employee is a favorite of employment discrimination attorneys who help compensate victims from unfair practices at work. In most instances, claims for employment discrimination are initiated by filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). If the EEOC finds a particular case has merit, it can issue a Right to Sue letter which allows the victim to file a discrimination lawsuit in federal court.
Housing Discrimination occurs when landlords make adverse tenancy decisions based upon the victims inclusion in a protected class. In other words, making rental or housing decisions based upon race, gender, or membership in another protected class is against the law.
Financial Discrimination occurs if a loan applicant is denied credit or charged a higher rate because of the applicant’s membership in a protected class. There are cases where African American or Latino borrowers were likely to be put in a “sub-prime” loan whether or not they would qualify for a better rate. One prominent settlement occurred over a decade ago where Bank of America agreed to pay a $335 million settlement over allegations of racial bias in home mortgage lending.
Disability Discrimination is covered by the Americans with Disability Act which protects disabled individuals in employment, housing, education, transportation and public access.
Typical Legal System Shortfalls Persist
Discrimination lawsuit loans exist because discrimination cases can be tricky and complex. For example, wrongful termination discrimination actions, which make up a large part of discrimination suits, usually involve multiple parties, have multiple witnesses and require an extensive discovery process. Considering the complexity of discrimination lawsuits, it is easy to see why a lawsuit can take so long.
While the case drags on in court, many plaintiffs meet with financial difficulties, particularly if they’ve lost their jobs. Creditors normally do not care if you’ve lost your job, they’ve got their own problems and bills to pay. Unfortunately, financial stress causes some plaintiffs to abandon their case by accepting a “low-ball” settlement offer. Unable to meet current obligations, they settle for less than fair compensation under the law. It is this potential problem discrimination lawsuit loans seek to address.
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
What are Discrimination Lawsuit Loans?
Discrimination lawsuit loans are financial transactions where plaintiffs involved in discrimination lawsuits sell a portion of the future proceeds of their case. A discrimination lawsuit loan company purchases this portion and advances money to the plaintiff prior to settlement.
Discrimination lawsuit loans are normally used to pay for common expenses such as:
- Rent or housing payments
- Groceries
- Insurance premiums
- School tuition
- Past debt
- Utilities
- Car payments
- and more . . .
Because discrimination lawsuit loans are not actually loans, there is no restrictions on the use of the funds. They are used as the plaintiff sees fit. After all, it’s their settlement money, it is just spent prior to settlement.
More About Discrimination Lawsuit Loans
You owe a lawsuit lender nothing until your case settles. The settlement is the only source of repayment. For this reason, typical loan criteria are irrelevant to the discrimination lawsuit funding. These criteria might include:
- Credit history
- Employment history
- Asset valuation
Moreover, there is no repayment unless you win your case. If you are unsuccessful, the discrimination cash advance is forgiven.
Getting Started with Discrimination Lawsuit Loans
To get a discrimination lawsuit settlement advance, apply with Fair Rate Funding. We review your case, consult your attorney, and evaluate the strength of your case. Depending upon that underwriting process, you are approved for an amount of funding. Discrimination lawsuit loan approvals can occur in as little as 24 hours.
Getting started is easy! Call 888-964-2224 and speak to a representative. We are here to help and are at your service.