Attorneys Avoid Lawsuit Funding Problems
How Attorneys Avoid Lawsuit Funding Problems Injured clients often ask attorneys for advances on their injury lawsuits. In some instances, injuries cause financial strain. Other clients simply “heard it from a friend” that attorneys give money to clients once they are retained. Unfortunately, most states prohibit this practice. Enter into the equation the lawsuit ...
DetailsLawsuit Loans – a Transfer of Property Rights
Lawsuit Loans Transfer Property Rights in Proceeds Understanding lawsuit loans means understanding the difference between lending and selling something, a.k.a. a transfer of property rights. In this post, we examine the difference between personal lending and the sale of something of value. In so doing, we uncover the difference between personal loans and lawsuit funding. Loan...
DetailsMedical Malpractice Lawsuit Funding Basics
Medical malpractice lawsuit funding exists to provide liquidity to malpractice plaintiffs while they wait for their case to be resolved. Personal injury lawsuits, including "med mal" cases, make up the vast majority of lawsuit settlement funding transactions. However, because malpractice cases are normally more complicated than the standard negligence proceeding, providing "lawsui...
DetailsLawsuit Loan Buyouts – What You Need to Know
Lawsuit loan buyouts occur when a plaintiff receives money against his lawsuit prior to settlement and then, some time later, needs another advance. These financial transactions are called "lawsuit loan buyouts" because in the vast majority of instances, the previous advance is repaid and that amount (plus the additional funds) are rolled into one contract. In other words, the total a...
DetailsSoft Tissue – Lawsuit Funding for Smaller Cases
Soft Tissue Lawsuit Funding Help Injured Plaintiffs Soft tissue lawsuit funding applications make up a fair amount of lawsuit funding inquiries. A significant percentage of applicants only apply for small lawsuit loans, sometimes less than $1,000. While it may be true that even plaintiffs with very heavy injuries may only require a few additional dollars to meet their needs, the ...
DetailsLawsuit Funding – Lien Priority in Underwriting
Lawsuit funding, also known as settlement funding or lawsuit loans, are financial transactions in which the plaintiff of a lawsuit sells part of the future proceeds of the case, if there are any. The plaintiff assigns by contract a portion of his/her property rights in the future proceeds and the "funder" offers immediate cash as payment for the transfer. One provision in...
DetailsAdvantages of Lawsuit Funding Transactions
Lawsuit Funding - The Advantages of this Financial Life Line Lawsuit funding is an area of specialty finance in which plaintiffs sell a portion of their lawsuit for an immediate sum. The advantages of lawsuit funding are many and are discussed in this post. Financial Trouble Needs Solutions Individuals face money problems for a variety of reasons. Some are unemployed, livin...
DetailsLawsuit Funding Case Types – Top Five
Lawsuit Funding Case Types from Fair Rate Funding The legal system is designed to resolve disputes between parties. As the potential for dispute is part of what makes us human, there are a wide variety of lawsuit types. Unfortunately for plaintiffs, not all lawsuits are candidates for lawsuit funding. Below are the top 5 lawsuit funding case types by Fair Rate Funding over ...
DetailsLawsuit Loan Cost
Looking into Lawsuit Loan Cost The lawsuit loan, also known as lawsuit funding or pre-settlement funding, is a unique investment. Its structure allows investors to assist plaintiffs in ongoing litigation with immediate cash to help pay their expenses while the lawsuit is litigated. This post analyzes lawsuit loan cost and helps identify the unique nature of these specialty finance prod...
DetailsLawsuit Settlement Funding – Filling a Need Caused by Settlement Delays
Lawsuit settlement funding companies field hundreds of questions each day. One frequent question asked by plaintiffs is “Why do lawsuits take so long to finally a settlement?” lawsuit-settlement-funding Of course, there may be many reasons. One major reason relates to the complexity of litigating a personal injury lawsuit. Indeed, both plaintiffs and defendants...