Asbestos Lawsuit Loans and Settlement Funding Helps Plaintiffs
Asbestos lawsuit loans provide fast, low-cost financial support to asbestos plaintiffs who need immediate cash prior to settlement.
Asbestos Background
Asbestos is a mineral with some widespread industrial and other applications because of its desirable physical properties. For example, asbestos is highly fire resistant. Accordingly, builders used it in various applications until the 1970’s when people began noticing adverse medical effects on people exposed to the substance. Asbestos has been linked to mesothelioma which is a tumor of the tissue which lines the lungs, stomach and other organs. It is also linked to lung cancer and asbestosis – a chronic lung condition in which victims suffer from shortness of breath, dry cough, chest pain and a variety of other symptoms.
The majority of exposure to asbestos comes from building supplies but other products also have risk. Recently, a Missouri jury ordered Johnson and Johnson to pay over $4.6 billion to a group of women who allege that talcum powder contained asbestos and exposure to the asbestos caused ovarian cancer in the plaintiffs.
Many other familiar household products have also been manufactured using asbestos over the years—even products made for children. Some crayons contained trace amounts of asbestos and a similar substance known as “transitional” fiber up until 2000. Studies showed that the risk posed to children was extremely low, but crayon manufacturers subsequently agreed to eliminate the use of these materials in crayon production. Electric blankets, curling irons, and toasters are just a few more examples of common household products that have been found to contain asbestos.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued statements to increase public awareness of asbestos hazards in various products over the years, as well as issuing some bans on the use of asbestos in these items.
What Products Contain Asbestos?
Asbestos can be found in several consumer products, but especially older products. These products include:

- Hair dryers
- Baby powder (Talc)
- Fertilizer
- Crock-pots
- Ironing board covers
- Automotive parts, such as brake pads and clutch linings
What is the Problem with Asbestos?
When exposed to asbestos fibers in the air on a daily basis and for a long period of time, the effects can be harmful and cause conditions like cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. According to the World Health Organization, there were 107,000 deaths in just one recent year that were a direct result of asbestos exposure. These deaths, which occurred worldwide, were the result of asbestos-related lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis from work-related asbestos exposure.
More About Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a cancerous condition caused by exposure to asbestos. The cancer develops in a thin layer of tissue in the body (the mesothelium) which covers many internal organs. Mesothelioma can take many years or decades to surface. Because the cancer can develop over a long period of time, it may be difficult to determine how and when the patient was exposed to asbestos.
The condition is caused by the inhalation or swallowing of tiny asbestos fibers which then settle in the lungs or stomach of the patient. Over time, this can lead to cancer.
Symptoms can include:
- Chest pain
- Fluid around the lung (Pleural Effusion)
- Shortness of Breath
- Fatigue
- Dry Cough
- Coughing of blood
Early detection of mesothelioma can save lives. Unfortunately, symptoms normally present themselves after the cancer has advanced significantly. Thus, the total surgical removal of the cancerous growth is normally not possible. Other treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy are sometimes used but with varying results.
Mesothelioma is a terminal condition. This means that although there are some treatments available, the condition is usually aggressive and deadly. There currently is no cure for the condition.
Legal Recourse for Asbestos Exposure Victims
If you’ve been exposed to asbestos and have a medical diagnosis relating to that exposure, compensation is possible. Injuries resulting from defective products are referred to as product liability actions.
Mesothelioma trust funds were created on behalf of negligent asbestos companies that have gone bankrupt. The purpose of the funds is to set aside money for future asbestos claims. These trust funds protect mesothelioma victims who deserve compensation from asbestos companies that filed for bankruptcy.
Those exposed to asbestos who developed mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease generally are eligible to file a claim.
If you haven’t done so already, hiring an experienced asbestos attorney would probably be a good idea.
Compensations Takes Time – Asbestos Lawsuit Loans Can Help
Claimants who are counting on an influx of cash from their settlement may be in for a surprise as far as the time frame is concerned. The asbestos claim process can take time. The amount of time it takes to receive compensation for asbestos exposure ranges from months to one year or longer. The time frame differs largely based on the type of claim and the circumstances of each individual case.
Some asbestos company trusts offer claimants a settlement. Settlements often result in a quicker payout. However, claimants may decide to deny the settlement and pursue a jury verdict. This process may take longer but could result in a larger settlement.
Those needing immediate funds do have options. One such option is an asbestos lawsuit loan.
What is an Asbestos Lawsuit Loan?
Lawsuit loans are specialty finance transactions where cash is provided to individuals waiting for their lawsuit to move through the legal system.
Asbestos lawsuit loans are unique in that they aren’t actually loans in the traditional sense of the word. Instead, they are an assignment, by the claimant, of a portion of the future proceeds of the settlement. Because of this, the asbestos lawsuit loans are not repaid unless the case is successful. This contingency is what makes a lawsuit loan non-recourse funding.
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
What Do Asbestos Lawsuit Loans Offer?
Asbestos lawsuit loans offer immediate cash to litigants involved in asbestos litigation. Some features of asbestos lawsuit loans include:
- Repayment only if successful.
- No credit or background checks.
- The lowest possible rates for asbestos lawsuit loans.
- Quick, professional and attentive customer service.
- 24-48 hour approvals.
How Do I Qualify?
Qualifying for an asbestos lawsuit loan is easy and three requirements must be met:
- You must have a pending claim against a defendant.
- You must have an attorney.
- Your attorney must be representing you on a contingency basis meaning that the attorney only gets paid if the lawsuit is successful.
How Do I Get Started with Asbestos Lawsuit Funding?
The process of obtaining a pre-settlement loan through Fair Rate Funding is very simple.
- Fill out the Quick Application on this web page or call us at 888-964-2224.
- We will contact you the same day to discuss your case.
- With your approval, we will discuss your case with your attorney.
- When approved, we will immediately prepare a document for your signature.
Once the documents are signed we process the funds for delivery via overnight courier or electronic bank transfer. It’s really that easy.
We know you have a choice in funding companies and are eager to help you in your time of need. Give us a call and explore your options. The call is free, application is free and there is absolutely no obligation.